Wednesday, March 20, 2019

You know who is too cool for school?
This kid.  Seriously.
We had Mason's kindergarten registration last week and part of it was taking a bus ride around town.
We let him pick where we were going to sit and of course he chose the very back of the bus!

Mason's new favorite way to tell us how much he likes something is with his thumbs.
2 thumbs up is obviously good but if it's REALLY good, he'll stick his toes up in the air too!

His class showing off their leprechaun faces.  
He's the giant in the back.

Part of Kade's Christmas present from Lady A and her mom was tickets to the Blake Shelton concert at the Xcel Center.  At Christmas time, when he opened that gift, I don't think he fully grasped what he was getting.  
Last Friday was the night of the concert.  They picked him a few minutes early from school, went out to eat, went to the concert, stayed up late eating junk food at the hotel and then swam in the hotel pool the next day!  
He's been asking when the next concert is ever since he got home.  Believe me, he fully understands the awesomeness of that gift now!!

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