Wednesday, March 13, 2019

We've reached our limit!  We've hit our max!  Minnesotan's can only take so much!  And just when we thought we couldn't take winter any longer...she relented.  It's finally warming up!  When I say warming up, I mean we hit 34 degrees today!  I'm not kidding when I say that is's downright balmy outside.  I didn't even wear a coat today when running errands.
And now that we're done complaining about winter, it's time to start complaining about the gravel roads.  And the mud everywhere.  And dirty, wet boys in dirty, wet clothes.  And, also, the very real threat of water in the basement.  The pictures below do not do justice in showing the size of the estuary that is currently residing in our backyard.  Fingers crossed, people!!!

This picture perfectly sums up our opinion 
of winter still hanging around in March.

Kade's official last day to ride!
Our snowmobile took a dump, luckily Grandpa Ranger came to the rescue and lent his to Kade!

I almost wanted to put life jackets on them!!
Needless to say, they got naked in the garage and put everything straight into the washer before being allowed into the house.
Welcome Spring! and nightly loads of laundry.

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