Monday, February 25, 2019

Good bye Chip....Hello....Chip

Mason's birthday fish, Chip, lasted exactly 2 days before he joined his fellow fish tank brothers in the sky.  I think the stress of cold water, excited little kids and perhaps poor genetics meant that this Chip wasn't long for the world.
Monday morning we had to say our goodbye's to Chip.

Mason appears very sad in this picture.  
He wasn't.  
As he was holding the plate he was asking if we could filet Chip and eat him.

The following Saturday we brought our receipt and got reimbursed with our next fish!
Meet....wait for it.....Chip!
So far this little guy is doing amazing!  1 week in and going strong!

Weekends mean sleep each other's bedrooms.
It was Kade's turn to host.

And because we just experienced The Blizzard of the Century they got a bonus sleepover!
Seriously, I think they've had 9 or 10 snow days so far this winter!!!  

Mason watching the blowing snow in the comfort of Na Night.

Nothing keeps Kade from being outside!
To give some perspective, Kade is just about 5 feet tall.
We had drifts up to Erik's shoulders!!

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