Friday, October 20, 2017


I can't believe it's already MEA break!  It feels like Kade just had his first day of school!!  School was also off on Wednesday for fall conferences.  Kade is doing great!  Nothing but positive remarks, awesome test scores and we were told for the 3rd year in a row that he's a leader and great role model for his peers.  So proud of that big boy!  
Erik and I both took Thursday and Friday off to relax and hang out with the little men.  Love an extra long weekend at home with no plans and the best fall weather I can remember.  It's amazing how fast the days go, even when there's nothing scheduled.  We've been on lots of gator rides, the boys have spent hours in the sandbox and in the woods.  Kade went with Grandpa Ranger to his woods to fix deer stands one afternoon, then both boys went to the farm to play with cousins and this afternoon we had friends over for more outside fun!  We're all exhausted and the real weekend hasn't even started yet!!  

My little hunters

Weekends mean sleepovers together on the floor!  

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