Friday, January 27, 2017

Erik is going to kill me for writing this post.  Sorry not sorry, Tall Guy!  Warning:  it's about to get real awkward up in here...

Erik's sister, Jenna, just had her 3rd baby.  Welcome to the world Eve Noella!!

And Erik's other sister, Erin, is expecting her first in July!!  

As you can imagine the boys are pretty curious as to where these precious little people are coming from.  Much to Erik's dismay, I don't really sugar coat anything.  So boys, the baby's grow in their mommy's tummy.  How do they get out of their tummy?  Through the mommy's vagina.  

Since we have a 6 year and an almost 3 year old boys, you know it doesn't just stop there!!  Here goes....all of the awkward conversations I've been having with the boys about the female anatomy (why are they not having any of these conversations with their dad?!?!).

Mason:  I'm a big boy!
Me:  Yep!  But big boys go potty on the toilet.
Mason:  Mommy a big boy?
Me:  Nope, I'm a big girl.
Mason:  Mommy have penis?
Me:  No, girls have vaginas.
Mason:  My eat ginas for supper?
Kade (rolling on the floor laughing):  He just said he's going to eat a pagina!!!!

At church Kade saw a mommy breast feeding her baby:
Kade:  How do the Mommy's feed the baby?
Me:  With their milk.
Kade:  But where do they get the milk?
Me:  From their boob.
Kade:  But how?
Me:  The babies suck on the Mommy's nipple.
You can literally see Kade's wheels turning as he's processing this information.  He's kind of grossed out but then you can tell that he realizes he was once a baby so he probably got milk the same way.  His face goes from a little confused to completely disgusted.
Me:  Don't worry, you didn't get milk that way.  You got your milk from a bottle.

Reading a farm animal book with Mason:
Mason:  Why that chicken sitting on eggs?
Me:  Because eggs come from chickens.  And that chicken just laid a bunch of eggs.
Mason:  How chicken lay eggs?
Me:  I'm not really sure?  The eggs come out of either the chicken's butt or vagina.
You can literally see Mason's wheels turning as he's processing this information.  He's looking at me trying to figure out if I'm joking.  Then he realizes I'm not.
Mason (his face showing complete disgust):  Ew.  My not like eggs anymore.

And, one of my all-time awkward Mommy Moments.  It happened in the very full dressing room at TJ Maxx when Kade was about 3.  I wanted to try on a swimsuit (I should note that I followed all of the rules and left my undergarments on).  I wasn't about to leave Kade outside of the dressing room to wait so in he came!
Kade:  Mom.  I love that swimsuit.....but I hate your pagina.
Fits of giggles and laughter coming from all of the other dressing rooms.  And, no, I didn't get the suit.

Of course I've been using all of this baby talk to remind the boys that they are adopted and didn't come out of my tummy, they came out of A's and F's tummy's.  You've never seen two more relieved faces than when they learned just exactly HOW the babies get out and that they didn't come out of ME that way!  There are so many bright sides to adoption, but if you were to ask 2 little boys what the brightest side is, I can guarantee their answer would be that they didn't come out of my pagina (and yes, that is how Kade still says it).

Friday, January 20, 2017

Not too much going on this lately.  The holidays are over and the looooooooong winter months are upon us.  What to do with 2 rambunctious boys when you can't play outside?  Sports, sports and more sports!  Open gym, basketball games, hockey games and even....*gasp*....wrestling matches!  Hey, as long as the boys are wearing off energy and having fun, I'll take anything at this point!!

I've often wondered if Mason will be as into sports as Kade is.  He doesn't show near the enthusiasm as Kade did at his age.  However, after seeing this picture, I think there's hope for 2 basketball playing boys!!  If anything, the little lefty looks cute pretending!

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Last weekend we had made plans to go swimming at a local hotel that has a mini waterpark.  Plans changed when we woke up to a 57 degree house and a furnace that wasn't working!  We ended up spending the day waiting for the technician to come fix it, and then went ice skating in the evening.

The swim bag was packed, Mason discovered the goggles and refused to take them off.

We didn't rent Mason skates.  It was pretty busy on the ice and I wasn't feeling confident in my skating abilities enough to be able to help him as well.  Last time we went he just ran around on the ice with his shoes on.  We thought he'd be able to do that again but he got kicked off immediately.
 Thankfully there was a high school hockey game going on at the next door rink.  Mason loved watching the zamboni.  When the driver finished, he motioned for Mason to come over.  The driver gave Mason his very own puck, a chance to sit on the zamboni and a handful of M&M's!!  Not to mention we got to sit in the front row and watch the game, free of charge!  I'd say Mason made off pretty well after his initial disappointment of getting kicked off the ice!

Meanwhile, these 2 went around and around and around!  None the wiser of all the goods Mason was scoring right next door!

Saturday, January 7, 2017

I can't believe Christmas was 2 weeks ago already!  And I can't believe my house STILL looks like the elves workshop...time to do some organizing and downsizing!  

Now onto the good stuff...

This might be my favorite picture of the season.  
They sat like that for almost half an hour!  A new record!

Popcorn and muscles.  I'm a lucky lady.

Present opening time!

A new baseball bat and bat bag.

My pictures didn't do justice showing the excitement on their faces.
Wish I could bottle up their joy and save it for the not-so-happy times throughout the year 
(oh, who am I kidding.  I mean for the childhood tantrums that happen almost daily :-)


Matching hats!  I love this picture too!!

After food and presents we all sat around the table putting together the legos the boys got.  
This was one of my favorite times of the whole season.  
Love my boys!  Love my family!