Friday, December 9, 2016

My brother and his family came up for the week over Thanksgiving.  The boys got a whole week to play with their Atlanta cousins and those little ladies kept them on their toes!  Of course I managed to take exactly 2 pictures.  Trust me, we tried our hardest to get more but the 4 of them were NOT having it.  Not once over the course of 7 days did we get a picture of just the 4 of them, and we even had "professional" family pictures taken!!  

 Grandma with the Littles:  
Noella (almost 2) and Mason (almost 3)
Although, I'm not really sure we can consider Mason a "little" because he weighs more than Vivienne!!

Grandpa with the Bigs:  
Vivienne (4) and Kade (6)

Jeremy and Vivi helped with Kade's Thanksgiving party at the school.  
Jeremy sent me these gems while I was at work.

Vivi doesn't seem too torn up that she didn't get to wear a giant hat like Kade's!

After playing every day for a week straight, the kids were exhausted.  But I think they were both a little disappointed when they woke up on Sunday morning and realized their cousins weren't here to play with anymore.  Can't wait until the next time we get to see them, perhaps in Atlanta this time!

We've been having some issues getting Erik's pictures added to the photo stream.  Once in awhile a few random ones will cross over.  I just discovered these 2 from August and I just had to put them on the blog.  Look at how handsome this little man is!  

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