Thursday, December 1, 2016

I've done a lot of posts over the last 6 years.  At least one a week.  And besides the posts I did announcing the arrivals and adoption days of Kade and Mason, this one ranks up there as one of my favorites.  I'm not sure why, it's nothing special really, but I LOVE the sequence of these pictures.  They make my heart smile.

The previous owners of our house planted pine trees along the border of 3 sides of the property.  Now that the trees are bigger, it's becoming obvious they are too close together.  Unfortunately we have to take out every other tree.  Therefore, the search for the perfect Christmas tree this year was in our own backyard!  Best.Christmas.Tree.Search.Ever.

The hunt is on.  They've zeroed in on the tree on the right.  

After checking and rechecking to make sure the tree met the criteria of the "every other tree gone" rule, the boys assessed the tree felling situation.

Because I wanted proof that I was there too, I insisted on a picture with the boys.
Mason is going through a "Daddy Only" phase.  He was NOT happy that I'm holding him.  I laugh every time I look at these pictures.  Yes, he appears to be close to my size.  Yes, he is only 2.  
I marvel all the time that God brought us 2 giant boys.  
Heart smiling.

Hauling the tree back to the homestead.

At some point I must've said, "Good teamwork, guys!"  I know it was me that said that, and not Erik, because I'm usually good for at least one nerdy positive affirmation like that.  Well, Mason picked it up and then repeated it about 50 times.  I'm pretty sure he's saying it in this picture.

Erik's little helper.

Seriously…that smile.

She's starting to look like a Christmas tree, boys!

Erik's other little helper, insisting he needs no help carrying the tree stand.
"My got it!!  My big boy!!"

Good teamwork, guys!

Hands down, best Christmas tree we've ever had!

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