Sunday, January 3, 2016

Welcome 2016!

I can't believe another year has passed!  The end of 2015 was a bit hectic--our basement is still under construction (fingers crossed it's finished by the end of this week!!!) so our main floor is still a disaster zone (anyone who knows me knows that the clutter is DRIVING ME NUTS!).  Erik and Kade caught the flu bug this past Monday so we laid low for New Year's Eve.  Then I caught the bug yesterday--grrrr (so far Mason has been able to avoid it).  I'm really hoping the first full week of 2016 is a good one--no more disaster zone upstairs, and no more puking!!  

All in all, 2015 was a great year.  The boys are growing like weeds and we are all happy and healthy!  Blessed beyond measure.  I pray that 2016 is just as successful.

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