Sunday, January 17, 2016

Kade started soccer a couple weeks ago with his cousins, Paige and Carter.  He loves it because it isn't like years past when they do little drills most of the time and only play an actual game for 5 minutes at the end.  No, this year it's 45 minutes of game time!  The only time they stop is for water breaks and let me tell you, it's serious business during water breaks.  He comes out, grabs his water bottle, looks at no one, speaks to no one, and gets back on the field in less than 20 seconds.  Can't distract a player with his head in the game!!
Mason loves going too because he gets to go out on the field for a little bit before they start.  He loves running up and down the field, big smile on his face, kicking the ball and looking over at the spectators to make sure everyone is watching him.  He's a good little soccer player too!  He's most definitely left handed so we assumed he's kick with his left foot only but nope!  He kicks equally well with both feet! It appears Erik may have a couple little athletes on his hands!!  

Like I said…athlete!  
When you are wearing a head band it's automatically assumed that the next step is the professional league, right?!  
I was wearing a head band that day, so Mason had to wear one too, of course.

Warming up before the big event.

And turning into a shy guy when another kid came over to play.
Thank goodness Paige and Carter are on his team too or I think we'd have tears like we do every year.

Action shot!  Can't get this kid to stand still!

Mason, Kade and Paige.  
Can't get Carter to stand still either!

Mason's other favorite thing about going to soccer is the snacks during the game!
Not going to lie, my favorite thing about watching sports is the snacks too!

My brother got Mason the Pie In the Face game for Christmas.  I didn't know if Mason was quite ready for it but I was wrong, he loved it!  It comes with a sponge to play with if you don't have whip cream available.  We tried both but I have to say, the wet sponge is way better than the whip cream.  The boys agreed.  

Mason's face in these two pictures confirms his opinion about the whip cream...

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