Friday, January 22, 2016

12 Questions

I saw these questions online the other day and I thought they'd be fun to ask Kade.  Mason was there too but every single one of his answers was "ME!" (it's because he wanted to get out of his chair and we weren't paying attention to him because we were asking Kade these questions.  A vicious cycle, I know).

1.  What is something I always say to you:  no.

2.  What makes me happy?  When I don't do bad stuff.

3.  What makes me sad?  When we're naughty.

4.  How do I make you laugh?  When you tell funny jokes about underwear (FYI, I've never told underwear jokes but it was his answer so…)

5.  What was I like as a little girl?  You played basketball.

6.  How old am I?  71

7.  How tall am I?  70 feet

8.  What is my favorite thing to do?  Clean.

9.  What do I do when you're not around?  Clean (that's true, I do)

10.  What am I really good at?  Pooping (after I gave him the "not appropriate" look he changed it to "playing football".  However, after some consideration, I know some people who aren't good at pooping and it's kind of hassle for them in public places, so I've decided I'm okay with the pooping answer!)

11.  What is something I'm not good at?  Playing basketball (apparently my childhood was wasted if all I did was basketball and I suck at it.  Confession:  I truly do suck at basketball, but I really like playing it anyway)

12.  What do I do for a job?  Clean.  And get money from people at the hospital.

1.  What is something I always say to you:  We can go snowmobiling.

2.  What makes me happy?  When we don't be naughty.

3.  What makes me sad?  When we're naughty.

4.  How do I make you laugh?  You tell jokes and tackle me.

5.  What was I like as a little boy?  You played basketball.

6.  How old am I?  71

7.  How tall am I?  101 feet

8.  What is my favorite thing to do?  Do jobs.

9.  What do I do when you're not around?  Clean the house (So.NOT.True)

10.  What am I really good at?  Putting the mantel above the fireplace up (I'll give him that, that is true).

11.  What is something I'm not good at?  Killing a moose.

12.  What do I do for a job?  Work at the Mayo Clinic earning money.

Mason had a special dinner guest the other night!

 Kade had some school friends over for a play date in our almost finished basement!

1 comment:

  1. losing my mind laughing so hard at these answers. If it makes you feel better I suck at basketball too! I need to ask my kids these questions!
