Saturday, December 19, 2015

Lice: Part II

Does the title say it all?!  Just when I thought we were in the clear, the little F-er's returned for more.  This time on my head.  Today I took a 4 hour round trip drive and spent the afternoon getting critters removed from my head, and I brought my mommy with me (because that's what 36 year old "girls" do when they get lice in their hair!  They go running to their moms!  Right?!?!).

On Friday night, at 10:00, after my shower I was combing through my hair and discovered 2 lice on a loose hair that had come out.  I googled lice removal services (because although Erik and my mom are useful 99.9% of the time, when it comes to lice removal they are 100% useless).  The nearest salon is a 2 hour drive from my house and they happened to have 1 time slot left for the next day.  I checked them out on Facebook, they seemed legit, I was desperate so I went for it.

They were amazing.  If you are ever in need of lice removal service, I cannot say enough wonderful things about "MN Lice Lady".  Seriously, amazing.  Apparently lots of other lice infested people think so too because that place was hopping!  And it was a normal day for them.  And they are open 7 days a week.  That MN Lice Lady found herself a niche!!  I tried my hardest to talk the technician doing my hair into moving closer to us and opening her own salon.  I don't think I convinced her.  But hopefully we are done and we never have to see her again anyway :-)  The boys are bald and my scalp has been scowered.  There's not much left to do besides cross our fingers and wait.

Onto more pleasant news:  Christmas

Last week we had our annual cookie baking day with Erik's family.  Lots of cookies were baked.  Lots were frosted.  And LOTS of sprinkles were applied.  It's the most delicious time of the year!

The boys made gingerbread men decorations before the cookies took over the kitchen.

Kade and Kurt--the best cookie making duo around!

Mason getting a frosting and sprinkle tutorial from Grandpa and Grandma.

We met cousins Violet and Isaac at Santa's temporary hang out.  None of the kids were actually too thrilled to meet him but we took pictures anyway.  Kade knew he wasn't the real Santa, he was just one of Santa's helpers.  Because we all know the real Santa is too busy to be hanging out at a random toy store when the real toy making action is going on at the North Pole.  Duh.

Isaac pretty much sums up all 4 of their feelings.

They had way more fun hanging out at the train table!

And finally, Kade's class had their Christmas party this week.  They made gingerbread houses, exchanged presents and surprised us with a rousing rendition of Jingle Bells and We Wish You a Merry Christmas.  Seriously--it was loud.  But oh so cute!!!

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