Thursday, December 3, 2015

A Rough Start...

Thursday, Thanksgiving, was a great day-we ate too much and watched too much football.  Kade had a red spot on his face but we thought it was just a pimple (he gets them on his arms and legs once in awhile).  We both had Friday off so we decided to take the boys ice skating.  Kade's red spot appeared to grow a little but still, not worried...

Waiting for the ice skate guy to show up and rent us some skates.

 Kade thought he needed the bars to help him skate, it didn't take him too long to realize he didn't.

 Mason, on the other hand, wanted nothing to do with the bars.  He thought he could manage the ice just fine without them.  These boys couldn't be more opposite!  Have I mentioned that before? :-)

We ran into our friends, Braeden and Colin at the rink!  B plays hockey so he's very comfortable on skates.  Nothing cuter than a 7 year old telling Erik he would be a better skater if he just bent his knees!!

By Saturday Kade's red spot had spread and no longer looked like a pimple.  It was definitely some kind of a rash but it still didn't look that bad and we were thinking (hoping) it would run it's course and be gone by the next day.  Besides, we had an adult day planned!  We had tickets for the Gopher/Badger football game with 4 other couples and the boys had a sleepover planned at the farm!  It was a great day...
Erik, his sister, Jenna, me, Jenna's husband, Jay

I had a feeling Kade's rash was impetigo.  I had it as a child but mine covered a much larger portion of my face and I was puking sick when I had it.  Kade's was still a relatively small spot and he definitely wasn't sick but when I googled it my suspicions were confirmed.  Sunday morning we picked up the boys and headed straight to Fast Care to get an official diagnosis and medication.  Yep, impetigo.  A highly contagious, fast spreading skin infection.  Yep, the thumbs up to use Kade's ointment to treat Mason immediately because we all knew he was going to get it too.  Yep, this story gets worse...

Monday morning, as we were getting ready to leave for daycare, school and work I noticed Kade itching his head.  I assumed he didn't do a good enough job getting all of the soap out of his hair so I inspected his head, looking for dandruff.  Instead I found little white critters and little brown eggs.  LICE.  UGH!!!!!!!!  I admit, I said said the F word multiple times (and told Kade to not ever repeat it).  I called Erik and told him to leave work, stop at the store and come home with lice shampoo, a lice comb and a magnifying glass.  I called school and daycare and let them know the boys would be staying home and coming back bald.  And then I got to work with laundry, cleaning, bagging, shaving heads, de-bugging scalps and trying not to lose my mind with every tingle I felt on my scalp!!!  My OCD is out of control right now.

After 5 days of impetigo treatment, 5 scalp checks per day, and more loads of laundry than I can count, I'm hoping-praying-fingers crossing that we are out of the woods.  We won't know for sure for another couple weeks (that's how long it takes for eggs to hatch) but so far we are all clear.  The only one who has actually had anything is Kade but Mason is getting treatment right along with him.  Better to be proactive instead of reactive!

The holidays can only get better from here, right?!?!?

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