Saturday, December 12, 2015

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like….Santa?

As I was looking through this week's pictures, I noticed a recurring (and completely unintentional) theme.  Santa.  It started on Monday when Mason brought home his artwork from daycare...

 On Wednesday, we found the Santa hats when were looking through packed away Christmas decorations (we don't have much out this year since our basement is getting finished and our upstairs is overrun with toys).

To cap off our unintentional week of Santa, I did a Santa Fun Run 5K.  There were 500 runners dressed up in Santa suits.  It was a very festive sight to see!

Even though we aren't very decorated (by my Christmas decorating standards, anyway), we did manage to put up a tree.  Kade did really great this year!  He put up the lights and most of the ornaments all on his own.  Initially, he was putting them on the bottom but quickly realized there was a cute, little ornament thief following behind him and removing all of the ones he had just hung.  So, our tree is Mason proof.  Except for one tiny little ornament…a mouse.  Mason's favorite thing in all of the world right now is mice.  Or as he calls them "mou".  We left "the mou" within his reach.  He shows it to every visitor that comes to our house and he takes it off and puts it back on the tree at least 3 times a day.

Love my boys!!!

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