Friday, November 13, 2015

Halloween Pictures

For Halloween Kade decided he wanted to be….wait for it….a football player!  Yes, he was a football player last year too.  This year, instead of being a Vikings player, he wanted to be Erik/MN Gopher/D-E Eagle player.  The only way he could be all 3 was to wear a Gopher helmet and Erik's old football jersey.  Mission accomplished.

Mason, was an alligator.  Or a crocodile.  Or a dinosaur.  Some sort of reptile anyway!  Again, yes, that is what Kade was when he was 2 years old.  And, again-like last year-Mason didn't seem to mind :-)  He did great trick-or-treating.  I'm not sure he understood why he was going door-to-door but he definitely understood the concept of holding his bucket up for goodies!  

Heading out for an evening of candy gathering!

First stop:  G&G H

Seriously, I can't get enough of that cute little backside!

The view of the front is just as adorable!

Mini Erik

Poor Mason, his little legs couldn't keep up with the big kids.

Next stop:  G&G C

We went to our old neighborhood for dinner with the neighbors and an evening of trick-or-treating.  We did it a little differently this year:  Erik brought his trailer, a couple bales of straw and we hooked it up to Tim's tractor.  So we had a hay wagon chauffeur service to take us to all of the houses.  It was fantastic!

Michael and Taylor were Storm Troopers from Star Wars.

The annual Halloween picture of Michael and Kade.  Can't believe how big these 2 are getting!

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