Wednesday, August 26, 2015

The Saturday after we got back from Lady A's my coworker had a Pre-Oktoberfest party, complete with a couple kegs and a polka band!  Erik and Kade were dragging their feet all day about going but it turns out Erik loves kegs and Kade loves to polka!!  At the end they were dragging their feet about leaving!

Trying to teach Kade the Chicken Dance without throwing my back out holding Mason.  Turns out Mase is a big fan of kegs too, he likes to pump them up.  So he had to be held the entire time or there would have been some very pressurized beer!

The next day we had Kade's birthday party at our house.  Cake, ice cream and a water fight.  Doesn't get any better than that!!

I can't believe how old he looks in these pictures!!  
I feel like I should mention that he picked out his own clothes that day :-)

All guns aimed at the birthday boy!!

Jay and Issac stayed dry in the "safe zone", nobody is allowed to spray water on babies or on anyone sitting near babies.  I spend all of my time in this zone :-)

These 2 are going to be trouble real soon.  

Presents and cake makes for one happy 5 year old!

Mason doesn't seem to mind the food either.

All I can say is thank goodness it's a suction cup at the end of that arrow!

And, just some cute picture of the Mason Man...

Next up, vacation pictures!!

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