Friday, August 7, 2015

Last week we went to the county fair for the annual rib tickler, mini donuts and other greasy food deliciousness.  Normally we just stay near the animal barns but Kade is now old enough to realize there's a whole 'nother side to the fair…the rides.  We couldn't keep him away any longer--the big boy just keeps on getting bigger no matter how much we want him to slow down!!  Violet also joined big cousin Kade on the rides and Mason was able to enjoy one as well.  Looks like Erik's fair tradition of hanging out near the milk stand and cow barn is over.  The boys have taken over :-)

They got stickers after "milking" the cow.  Violet gave hers to her mom to wear and Kade was shocked.  He said, "No Vi!  Don't give that to your mom!  We EARNED those stickers all by ourselves!  You wear it!"

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