Thursday, August 20, 2015

I feel like I'm about 3 weeks behind in posts!  Probably because we packed about a whole summer's worth of activities within the last 3 weeks.

The first week in August we made our annual trek to Lady A's home turf to celebrate Kade's birthday and to visit the monster farm show nearby.  The boys had a blast because all of the machinery is open and just waiting for the little farm/construction men to climb inside and dream to their hearts content.

Kade literally ran from one implement to the next and put up a fight every time we tried to get him to move on to the next exhibit.  He couldn't grasp the concept that there was even more tractors, skid steers, etc. waiting for him just down the lane.  It was all we could do to get him to take a break, sit down and enjoy a root beer float!

Mason loved climbing in and out of everything as well but he was more concerned that there wasn't any keys in the ignitions.  He's got a MAJOR obsession with keys right now.  He whines and cries until we give him the keys.  And he knows exactly which key goes to which ignition so if you give him the wrong one he throws it and whines until you give him the correct one.  He'll dig in each of Erik's pockets until he finds the keys, which can sometimes take awhile if Erik is wearing cargo shorts and if Erik refuses to squat down so Mason can reach his little paws into the pockets.  So, although Mason enjoyed all of the implements he was more than a little annoyed that no one would give him the keys!

Building a blue bird house at the DNR exhibit.  

The final product!  
He painted it white and Erik and Kade are hanging it up as I type.

My handsome little firemen.

The annual fish painting.
Mason got to do it this year too!

The boys being good listeners.  Probably because it's someone other than me giving them the instructions!
What a surprise, Kade's favorite implement was, yet again, the excavator!  He'd spend the entire day in that thing if we'd let him.

Kade has said multiple times that he's going to be a farmer when he grows up and him and Mason are going to be farming partners.  Maybe we'll have a picture just like this one in 30 years?

I love this picture of Mason.  His little feet crossed, hands on his lap, smile on his face.  I could eat that kid!

I could eat this tractor driver too but he's too fast and strong for me to catch him :-(

When I first saw this I thought it was the backside of the little buffalo and I felt kinda bad for putting Mason's face in it.  But then I realized the tail belonged to the big one.  Whew :-)

Pretend farming and constructing, and root bear float consuming, wears a little guy out!

Round 1 of Kade's birthday celebrations are complete!

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