Saturday, June 27, 2015

99% of the time Kade and my conversations are about sports, farming and construction jobs, with each topic getting their equal share.  If I had a dollar for every time he's told me about a pretend: game he has played in (and won, of course), farm and/or field chore he's accomplished and every house he's built for me I'd be a multi billionaire.  But every once in awhile our conversation turns deep and philosophical, such as this gem we had the other day:

Kade:  "Mom, what does Jesus eat?"
Me: "Hmm, good question.  I think he probably eats the same kind of food we eat."
K:  "So, Jesus probably eats green beans?"
Me:  "Yeah, I think he probably does."
K:  "Do you know who else likes green beans??"
Me:  "Who?"
K:  "Santa Claus!!"
Me:  "You think so?"
K: "No Mom, I KNOW so!!!  Santa DOES like green beans!"
Me:  "Good to know."

Last Friday Kade wanted to sleep outside in the tent so we set it up and Erik joined him.  Of course you can't camp in your backyard without a bon fire and s'mores, right?!

I probably shouldn't point out what's in Erik's hand (ahem, fire starter).  Somebody wasn't a boy scout!  The wood was a little wet though so I won't hold it against him :-)

He had a lot of cute help!

I also had a lot of cute help setting up the tent!

What is it about playing in an empty tent?  It's the best!

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