Saturday, June 20, 2015

Last weekend Lady A and her mom came for a visit.  The original plan was to go to the Chutes and Ladders park, that's actually set up like the game!  However, the weatherman was 100% inaccurate and it ended up raining all morning.  Half way to the cities we changed plans and decided to go to the MN Zoo instead.  The weather finally did cooperate around noon, everyone had a blast and neither of the boys fell/jumped into the tiger compound (which was a very real concern of mine).  I'd say the day was a success!!

Of course we'd be surrounded by tons of exotic creatures, animals we'd never be able to see in their natural habitat and what do you think Kade was most excited to see?  It also happened to be the same exhibit that we had the hardest time getting Mason to leave.  You guessed it, the farm exhibit.  The cows, the barn and the tractor--that's what they couldn't get enough of.  Ridiculous :-)

A terrible picture of Kade but the shark is owning it!

I love this picture of Mase!  It reminds me of a picture from the 70's when those mirror image shots were all the rage.

My little monkeys watching the little monkeys.

Not a great picture of the boys but the penguins sure do look cute!

There was a little splash park that Mason wanted to run into when he was fully clothed.  I stopped him, undressed him and let him go.  Of course that's when he became hesitant!  Little stinker!

No one else had their shirts off because no one else could compete with those washboard abs.  A belly hanging over the waist has never looked so good!

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