Tuesday, October 21, 2014

This past weekend we went to the pumpkin patch with Lady A and S.  Unfortunately Mason is still too young to appreciate it, plus this Nap Nazi likes to keep her babies on a schedule, so he stayed home with G&G C.  It ended up being a beautiful day, just like last year!  There was tons to do and Kade had a blast.  All the fresh air and activities wore the guy out and he passed out on the way home, just like last year!  Trust me, Kade sleeping in the car is a rare occurrence.  It deserves documentation.

We haven't measured him in awhile but I think he's a bit closer to 4 feet than this picture shows.  All I know is, he's the perfect height for me to rest my arms on the top of his head!

Notice his boots?  He's been asking for new work boots for awhile.  We've been trying to use them as leverage to get him to get up and use the toilet in the middle of the night.  He's still wetting the bed but someone was a softy and gave into him anyway.  That same someone got new work boots too.  I can assure you it wasn't me.

Here's a nice shot of the other pair of new work boots :-)

There was a new obstacle course this year.  Or as we liked to call it, a ninja warrior course.  I think most ninjas rock big work boots while they are ninja-ing, right?!?

Later we carved pumpkins.  Well, myself, Lady A and S carved pumpkins.  Kade stabbed grasshoppers with our tools....

And Mason and Erik watched us work.

I take that back.  Kade did help for 0.2 seconds, long enough for us to snap these pictures to make it look like he did all the work :-)

And Mason got his own baby pumpkin!

When Kade was about 7 or 8 months old, I took a few pictures of him in just his diaper.  They were great pictures and I have them in a frame now.  I wanted to try to get similar pictures of Mason as well.  There's nothing cuter than the "rubberband rolls" on babies and my two "hefties" manage to sport some amazing chunk.  Mason is at the height of his rollie pollie right now (at least I hope he is!  He can't fit anymore to his already-maxed-out cheeks, arms and legs!).  Although he didn't sit very still, I managed to get a couple framers!

It's been a big week for the Mason Man!  He's officially joined the masticators!  Or for the people not quite as nerdy as me--he got his first tooth!!!  (I know I'm a huge nerd because Kade tells me I am about 100 times a day.  It's ok, it's karma that I deserve.  My parents didn't go a day without me "gently" reminding them that they are huge nerds too.  Although, I don't think I was informing them of their status when I was 4 years old).  Anyway.  It's his bottom front right tooth.  It's next to impossible to get a picture of it but I'll do my best!  Only 19 more teeth to go!  And about 19 more gallons of drool to accompany them.

He's also starting to play on his knees!  Which brings us that much closer to pulling up and then walking!  Kade informed us that Mason has been getting on his knees for awhile now at daycare, however last night is the first I've seen of it.  Kade also tells me he's a long haul truck driver so who can trust anything that guy says? :-)

Just turning up the volume, guys.  Let's get this clothing optional party started!!!

And finally, a cute picture of Mase...

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