Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The Walker

So I know you aren't supposed to compare your kids.  And I'm really not supposed to compare my kids because they don't share one drop of the same genetic make up.   However that's what makes the similarities between these boys so mind blowing.  We all know that God knows what He's doing.  But He really knew what He was doing when He made these two brothers!  It's a miracle that will never cease to amaze me.

Mason is on the exact same trajectory that Kade followed.  He is the exact same size Kade was and he's doing the exact same things Kade did.  I realize most babies follow the same development pattern but it's their size and interests that get me.  How did we end up with 2 boys from completely different birth parents that are so much alike?  Again, a miracle that will never cease to amaze me.

8 months old and can't get enough of the walker, the hutch and chasing Molly with it?

Mason, meet Kade at 8 months old.  Wouldn't you know--obsessed with the walker, the hutch and chasing Molly with it.

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