Wednesday, December 18, 2013

We made a whole bunch of Christmas cookies this past weekend so we've been spending our evenings getting in shape for the long, cold Minnesota winter.  By getting in shape, I mean eating A LOT of cookies after dinner.  You can never pack on too much "insulation" when it's below 0 outside!

Erik's doing a mighty fine impersonation of Kade's signature smile for the camera!

Kade was in charge of the sprinkles...

We were in charge of the balls.  Many inappropriate jokes were made but the end results of our Oreo balls and peanut butter balls was no laughing matter.  Those things are delicious!!

Last Tuesday Kade decided he didn't want to go to Erik's basketball game.  That was a first!  However, he regretted his decision about 20 minutes after Erik left.  This week, when we asked him if he wanted to go, it was a resounding YES!

I am pleased to announce that Kade has worn something other than his work jeans for 3 days in a row!!  I've been telling him I'd wash them for the past 3 days but I haven't gotten around to doing it.  Enough is enough.  He finally took matters into his own hands.  Yes, this is him actually doing laundry almost completely solo.  And yes, those are his work jeans he's pulling out of the washer.  I guess he's learned at his ripe old age of 3 years and 4 months that if you want something done, you've got to do it yourself!

Finally, Kade and I are taking advantage of the heat wave we're having right now.  19 degrees!!  It's downright balmy out there!

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