Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Workin' Man

Kade's a man on a mission.  He likes to work!  When he goes to grandparent's homes he asks grandmas if they have a list of jobs for him and grandpas to do.  When Erik gets home from his job Kade pretty much cries until they get outside to work.  He loves watching construction workers.  He loves picking up branches, scooping horse poop, baling hay, washing cars, etc, etc.  He makes us bring his work boots with us wherever we go, just in case there's work to be done.  If he gets to Grandpa H's and he doesn't have his work boots on, Kade will tell him and "make" him change into them!  He can be a bit bossy.  I'd like to say that this is a phase but he's been like this his entire life!  I think he's destined to be in charge, whatever job he ends up at :-)

6:45 in the morning and he's already outside watching the "excagator".

Enough sitting around watching other people work, it's time to do his own jobs!  Notice the shoes?  Those were switched to boots immediately after this picture was taken.

Another excavator being unloaded!  There were 2 going at one time.  Kade was in construction heaven.

He was busy setting up "terrible traps" while I cleaned the inside of the Yukon.  He wasn't much help but he sure was cute!

A hay wagon ride after unloading a wagon full of hay bales.  Or, as Erik called them, "idiot cubes".  Apparently that's an inside joke for farmers?

Alright people, enough sitting on the bales!  It's time to unload them!


Kade playing with 2 of his favorite people, Zach and Lauren.  Anyone who knows Kade knows that getting a hug from him can be a tough task.  When we left their house last Saturday, Lauren got about 8 hugs from him and she hardly had to ask!  What's her secret?!?!

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