Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Vacation Part 1

I missed a post last week because we were on the road to Vail, Colorado for Erik's younger brother's, Michael, wedding!  Neither Erik nor I are big fans of flying so we decided to take an extra day and drive west.  Kade did amazing, except for that minor issue, about half way through Nebraska, when he threw up in a plastic shopping bag.  He was watching something on the iPad a little too close for a little too long.  We stopped at a park after that for fresh air and play, miraculously his upset stomach disappeared!

We also had that minor issue of major flooding in Colorado.  Although the flooding was very near to where we were going, we never actually saw any of the devastation they were showing on the news.  Our only issue was a short road closure and stop-n-go traffic.  So, instead of getting to Vail at 1:00 on Friday, we didn't get there until 5:30.  I'd say we got off pretty lucky!

On the road! 

Park play, post-throw up.  

We had to stop at the bride's (Sarah) parent's house while we waited for the highway to open up.  Luckily they had some football gear to entertain the big guy.

While the wedding party had their rehearsal Erin, Kade and I took a shuttle into Vail Village for some shopping.  Well, technically, we took turns chasing the Tornado while the other shopped.  

Here's Sarah, second from left, with her future sisters!
The girls stole the bride for a little bit and took a nice stroll up the side of a mountain.  By "nice stroll" I mean 3.2 miles, 2000 foot ascension, pretty much straight up and down, glute and butt blaster!  That was definitely the toughest 5K I've ever done!  Well worth it though when you see the view we had!

Wedding picture time!!
Seriously, could this kid be any more handsome??!!

3 generations...

Yep, that's a real background!  It looks like a studio's fake backdrop!

Kade and Violet, the mini stars of the show, after the bride and groom of course!

Uncle Mike

Unfortunately, due to rain, the ceremony got moved indoors.  It was still beautiful though!

A farmer's work is never done, even in the middle of a dance floor!  That's a tractor and a bale of hay in his hands.

Grandma actually managed to get him to sit down for the speeches!  Otherwise he was on the dance floor the entire time. 

This picture is blurry because once the music started he couldn't stop dancing!  Look at those those rosy red cheeks!!

He made it to the very end of the dance!  Kade and I had an "after party" in our room with Doritos and juice while everyone else helped clean up :-)

Lots more pictures coming in Part 2!


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