Tuesday, September 10, 2013

My Favorite Cheesy Grin

As every kid probably does, Kade refuses to pose "nicely" for pictures.  If I can actually get him to stand still long enough to capture an in-focus picture, every time it's with the biggest, cheesiest smile he's got!  Not that I'm complaining because I do love that face!  

Is it possible to love someone so much that you just want to "eat" them?  Seriously, I can't get enough of this kid!  The things he says and does make me laugh so hard, beam with pride and count my blessings multiple times a day.  I can't really remember life without Kade, probably because it was so boring!

Cheesy grin pictures from just this week alone:






In other news, we expanded the sand box by about 4 times it's original size.  Lots of construction sites can be built in the sand box now!  Here are some pictures of the "construction men" hard at work.

And finally, a picture of a kid that is just too cool...

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