Wednesday, August 21, 2013

We decided to sneak one more camping trip to Jellystone in before summer ended.  We've been so lucky with the weather this summer and this trip was no exception!  Lots of sunshine!  Although the kids weren't always full of sunshine, I think they managed to have a good time.  

Megan and I gave the 3 year olds (Ellie and Kade) the option of which day they wanted to nap, Friday or Saturday.  Of course they could've used a nap both days but we were in the giving spirit :-)  They both chose to nap on Saturday.  So, on Saturday we made them lay down and they both fought it pretty hard saying "they weren't tired, they wouldn't fall asleep, blah, blah, blah".   2.5 hours later, when they woke up Kade said, "Oh, I guess I was tired!" And Ellie said, "I feel MUCH better now!"  Gotta love those little munchkins!

Ranger Smith read us a bedtime story on Thursday night.

Kade insisted we wait in line after the story to say hi and get a picture with the ranger.  This picture doesn't quite capture the fear he was feeling when we finally got up there.  His arms were so tight around my neck, I'm lucky I didn't pass out!

Mini golfing!

S'more time!

In the evening they show Yogi Bear cartoons on an outdoor theater.  The kids loved it!  I'm not going to lie, it is pretty awesome :-)

Rylee,1  Ellie, 3  Kade, 3  Owen, 5

Family pictures!

Can't wait to go back next summer!!

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