Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Kade Quotes

Kade was carrying a pillow down the stairs.
Me: Do you need help carrying that, Buddy?
Kade: No, I got it. I'm a strong man.

Kade said something indecipherable.
Me: What did you say?
Kade: Ugh, never mind!

Kade was having a pretend conversation on my cell phone. After he "hung up" I asked him who he was talking to.
Kade: I talking to Great Grandpa. He's a great guy, I not scared.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Kade's Playroom

Kade's playroom has been 2 years in the making.  When the house was being built this room was intended to be an exercise room.  It has since been decided that Kade plays WAY, way more than we exercise :-) The floor, which was installed 2 years ago, is perfect for playing tractors, basketball and pretty much any other "abuse" Kade can throw at it as it's made up of the soles of recycled Nike shoes!

Let's hope that if/when we get chosen to adopt #2 he/she likes sports as much as Kade does because the theme of this room isn't conducive to much else! :-)


Before--just had to get a picture of Molly "pouting" in the corner :-)
I forgot to take a "before" picture of this wall, so here's the "after"!  You can probably imagine it was as boring as the other 3 walls :-)

Kade enjoying the fruits of my labor!
Mom's favorite part:  When Kade's done playing, I can just shut the door :-)

Farmer Kade getting into character, while watching a John Deere video and playing tractors in his new room!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Kade and Michael

These two have been friends since Kade was born exactly 2 months after Michael. They share yards, they share the same daycare and sometimes they even share their toys with each other!

Most toddlers don't really play together, they play side-by-side. But these 2 actually play together and have since they could walk. It's so fun watching them interact because I think they have their own language only they can understand.

Since Kade could learn to talk he's called Michael, "My Mike". When Kade gets to daycare (usually after Michael) Michael greets him with, "MY KADE'S HERE!!". Whenever we turn onto our street Kade starts looking at Michael's house and asks, "Michael's outside?" No matter what time of day it is or what the weather is like. I've been told Michael does the same thing :-)

If Sara Jo (Michael's mom) or I ever want to get something done around the house we'll call each other and have the boys get together so they can play and we can work!

These 2 are so opposite in looks and personalities that they were made for each other. Kade is tall and blonde, Michael is short and dark. Kade is a"do-er", Michael is a "thinker". I have a feeling these 2 will be keeping us on our toes for years to come! I can't wait!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

My two favorite people

I love you both so much!

Chopping corn

So how many times did you check for a new post this afternoon? Come on. Be honest! Sorry to make you wait!

So did you know that the hay cutter scoops beans and turtles? It does. Kade said so.

Also Kade's talking on the phone today and we ask him who he was talking to and his response "Great Grandpa! He's a great guy, I not scared"!

Kade got a tractor, chopper (with two row corn head) and a tandom axle chopper box for his birthday so when Kade and I got word that my Uncle Kevin was going to chop some corn one Saturday morning we had to go check it out. It was a chilly day so we found a tractor in the shed not being used and went for a ride searching for the corn chopper.

"Daddy, where chopper go?"

Heading back to the farm after seeing chopper and switching wagons.

Hey, how'd I end up in the cold on the open air tractor?  Though it might be the best tractor ever. :-)

Because Kade talked Grandpa into taking him out to see the chopper again!

Can't farm without an "H"!

And this has been what we've been doing since!  Think Kade has enough horsepower on the chopper!

Before we left Uncle Kevin had me pick out a pumpkin to take home.  He suggested I take this big, heavy, good looking pumpkin home.  I picked out this cute little pumpkin with bumps all over it.  I carried around that pumpkin all day and then tossed it in bed with me that evening.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Oktoberfest 2012

I went to college at UW-LaCrosse and Oktoberfest weekend was the best days of the year. Admittedly, I don't remember a lot of it and that's not because it's been 11 years since I called myself a student :-) This year we went back to Oktoberfest for a kid friendly version and I'm happy to say I remember all of it!!!

Kade loved the parade! Interestingly enough the kids outlasted the adults! It was 150 floats long, we were there for almost 3 hours and only made it to float #72. Yeah, it's a loooooong parade. Afterwards we went back to Ellie's house for food and fun!

Owen, Ellie's brother, is older (5) and therefore Kade's idol. We joked that Owen had a shadow all day. It was cute and Owen did so well playing with Kade. We can't wait to do it again next year!