Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Birthday Week: Part Two

Kade's second birthday party was Saturday, August 11th.  For that we had family over and again, Kade got LOTS of wonderful gifts!  I'm pretty sure he's under the impression now that if anyone comes to visit they should probably have a gift for him :-)  He's also under the impression that his birthday lasts more than just one day.  He might be a little like me in that sense because for every birthday (until I turned 30--now I don't have birthdays anymore) I would start a countdown on May 1st until my birthday came on June 1st.  At least no one could forget!

Party People!  Great Grandpa, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins.  Kade was in heaven!

More Party People!  P.S. Congratulations to Uncle Michael and Soon-to-be-Aunt Sarah!!  They got engaged this past week! (They are the couple sitting on the right of the couch--not a great picture but we'll get some good ones at the wedding :-)

He's still excited about clothes, which probably won't be the case at next year's party.  As Kade says, "Go Goph's"!

Modeling his Harvin jersey he got from Michael and Sarah.  We had to do some intense negotiations one night because he wanted to sleep in it.  I hope his smile is still this big at the end of the Vikings season :-)

Erik's birthday is 3 days after Kade so we threw Erik's name into the "Happy Birthday" song.  Poor Erik, his birthday doesn't count anymore since Kade is so close to his :-)

My 2 favorite Birthday Boys!

This might've been the biggest hit as far as presents go.  Erik's dad thought Kade needed some more color added to his tractor collection, his eyes were getting sore from looking at all that green and yellow!
Our attempt at a family picture.  Surprisingly Kade looks happy in this picture!  He wasn't.  He was screaming and fighting it because we took him away from playing for a whole 2 seconds!

The next morning Aunt Jenna and Kade lined up all the tractors he owns and had a tractor parade!
The trampoline from my parents.  Or as Kade calls it, "the trampy-own".  We set up his basketball hoop so now he can work on his jump shot :-)  Looks like we're set for the winter!

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