Thursday, August 16, 2012

Birthday Week: Part One

Note:  This blog is going to be the death of me.  I worked on today's post for almost 2 hours, not because it was thought provoking but because of technical difficulties.  I logged on tonight to post Kade's 2 year STATS and today's post was gone!  This is my attempt at recreating it.

On Friday, August 10th, The Kade Man turned TWO!!  The reason this blog is titled "Part One" is because there was so much going on last week that in order to cover it all it's going to take multiple posts.  Which is the reason there wasn't a new one last week...we were too busy!

For Kade's first party Lady A, along with her mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, aunt and cousin came over to help celebrate.  It was a great time and Kade got a lot of wonderful gifts.  We also learned a little bit more about their version of Kade's birth day....

They live a few hours away but Kade was born here.  Lady A's mom was here for his birth, at 10:59 pm, and was able to stay a few hours after.  However, she had to work the next morning so she left here at 2:00 am, slept for 45 minutes, worked a full shift the next day and then drove back to be with Lady A in the hospital!!  Talk about a mother's love :-)

After a 3 hour nap, Kade woke up to find the house decorated for his party along with a couple gifts from us.  Of course, he was most excited about the balloons everywhere.

Until he saw what was underneath the wrapping paper.  Farmer Kade is all set to make round bales this fall!

Lady A's grandma makes a cookie cake for every member of their family on their birthday, and Kade is no exception!  You can't see them very well in this picture but those 2 horses on the right were a big hit with him!

Kade got his very own cookie cake as well.  He needed no help from me when blowing out the candles!

Kade and Lady A's cousin doing what Kade does in the dirt!!

These balloons provided hours of entertainment the next day too! 

Kade's version of holding up 2 fingers when you ask him how old he is.

Michael came over for a little bit on Saturday morning and checked out all of Kade's new toys.  Of course, wouldn't you know, the balloons were what they played with the most.  It was pretty cute watching the boys carry them all around the house though, and it made it easy to find them!

The boys helped me make the cakes for Party #2!

 Part Two coming soon!!

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