Wednesday, August 1, 2012

A Bike Rider!!

Kade's been so close to riding his bike for awhile now but last week he finally did it!!!  He's not quite grasped the concept that he has to steer too which explains the unfortunate crash at the end :-(  We were so proud of him though because after a little dust off and a few tears he got right back on and kept riding!!

I still remember thinking when Kade got that bike, at his baby shower when he was 1 month old, there was no way he'd be on that thing for at least 4 years!  I guess he proved me wrong!  This little man, who will be 2 next week, is getting way too big, way too fast.  Sometimes I'll ask him where my baby Kade went and he'll point to himself and say, "Right here!".

On a different note, the Olympics have been on at our house constantly.  Apparently Kade's been taking note because after watching men's sand volleyball he decided he wanted to hit it like them.  I've been setting him up and he thinks it's the coolest thing ever to spike it down!  We have yet to find a sport he doesn't want to play which is good because I'm not sure how else to expend all of his crazy energy!!  Sometimes I think a toddler sized hamster wheel is not such a bad idea :-)

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