Thursday, July 12, 2012

This past weekend we went down to Kansas City for my niece, Vivienne's, baptism.

Kade still doesn't do all that well on long car rides and he could care less about tv or movies so we struggled with how we were going to entertain him for a 7 hour, one way, trip.

We figured if we left at 3:00am he would sleep for over half of it, so that's just what we did. He did really well but it threw off his schedule for the past 5 days.

We're usually lucky to get a 2 hour nap out of him so imagine my delight when we've gotten a nearly 4 hour nap the past 2 days! I've learned the meaning of "careful what you wish for" because boy, did we pay for it last night!!

He woke up at 2am wide awake and ready for the day! We tried everything to get him to go back down and finally resorted to the one thing we swore we'd never do...we brought him in our bed. I'm happy to say it didn't work.

Not only did he NOT fall asleep, he jumped on the bed, he sang every song he knows (he even had me singing a cappella to Bon Jovi's "Livin on a Prayer!"--it was ugly), he tackled us, he tickled us, and even went so far as to tell us, "Kade is not tired. Kade is DONE sleeping! Mommy and Daddy done sleeping too?". Finally, at 4am I got up and played tractors with him and put in a tractor show. He did, eventually, fall asleep on the couch from 5-6 am. I will NEVER be excited about a 4 hour nap ever again!

Here's some pictures in no particular order and no captions because the Blogger App on my iPad doesn't have the capabilities. Grr...

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