Thursday, July 5, 2012

Here's some more pictures to go with the previous post. We just got an iPad so I'm still figuring out how to post with it!

Since Michael (our neighbor) and the twins (our cousins) all go to the same daycare as Kade, they all have some time home right now too! So that means play dates!

And I promised pictures of Violet...she's a beauty!!

Left to right:  Michael, Kade, Paige and Carter.  They are all within 6 months of each other in age.  We had 3 moms watching these toddlers and we were tired!  How does Michelle (daycare mom) do it?!?  This is the best picture I could get of the 4 of them together.  2 year olds are busy!!

Michael was the only one willing to stop and say "Cheese!" when I asked. 
Carter and Kade. 
I took this picture with my cell phone, which is one step up from a flip phone.  This is probably my favorite picture of all time of Kade!
Kade giving Violet her first of many kisses.  Kade adores babies!  He's so gentle and he loves looking at them and giving them hugs and kisses.  It amazes me that this little rough and tumble boy can be so sweet with babies!

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