Thursday, July 19, 2012

4th of July

This is a couple weeks late but better late than never! We spent the 4th at home working around the house and hanging with the neighbors.

We recently cemented the whole driveway. It's a "horse shoe" so there was a lot of gravel to haul away and dirt needed to fill in. Erik spent most of June working on it and if Erik was working on it I'll give you one guess where Kade was. Working right along side him!! This kid LOVES to help!!

It was so hot out but that didn't slow him down at all. A couple times I made him stop for water but if Erik didn't stop too Kade would say, "No break, help Daddy". I told Erik we needed to start giving him an allowance!

He also had his first experience with corn on the cob. My corn on the cob to be exact. Thank goodness we had a lot because he ate a whole ear on his own!

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