Thursday, July 26, 2012

It's Hot Outside!!

Maybe I say this every summer, but I feel like this is the longest stretch of hot, humid weather I can remember!!

Hot weather doesn't slow Kade down even a little bit! All it does is give him red, rosy cheeks (we've been told he gets that from Lady A). From the minute he wakes up, usually around 6:14 am, til we finally drag him into the bathtub at night, if we're not outside already, he'll repeat, "Go ah-side?" until we are.

Needless to say, we are "enjoying" every minute of this "beautiful" MN summer!! We should buy stock in sunscreen, Kade is covered from head to toe every day, multiple times a day and he's not getting any smaller!!

Here's some pics of Kade and pals beating the heat!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

4th of July

This is a couple weeks late but better late than never! We spent the 4th at home working around the house and hanging with the neighbors.

We recently cemented the whole driveway. It's a "horse shoe" so there was a lot of gravel to haul away and dirt needed to fill in. Erik spent most of June working on it and if Erik was working on it I'll give you one guess where Kade was. Working right along side him!! This kid LOVES to help!!

It was so hot out but that didn't slow him down at all. A couple times I made him stop for water but if Erik didn't stop too Kade would say, "No break, help Daddy". I told Erik we needed to start giving him an allowance!

He also had his first experience with corn on the cob. My corn on the cob to be exact. Thank goodness we had a lot because he ate a whole ear on his own!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

This past weekend we went down to Kansas City for my niece, Vivienne's, baptism.

Kade still doesn't do all that well on long car rides and he could care less about tv or movies so we struggled with how we were going to entertain him for a 7 hour, one way, trip.

We figured if we left at 3:00am he would sleep for over half of it, so that's just what we did. He did really well but it threw off his schedule for the past 5 days.

We're usually lucky to get a 2 hour nap out of him so imagine my delight when we've gotten a nearly 4 hour nap the past 2 days! I've learned the meaning of "careful what you wish for" because boy, did we pay for it last night!!

He woke up at 2am wide awake and ready for the day! We tried everything to get him to go back down and finally resorted to the one thing we swore we'd never do...we brought him in our bed. I'm happy to say it didn't work.

Not only did he NOT fall asleep, he jumped on the bed, he sang every song he knows (he even had me singing a cappella to Bon Jovi's "Livin on a Prayer!"--it was ugly), he tackled us, he tickled us, and even went so far as to tell us, "Kade is not tired. Kade is DONE sleeping! Mommy and Daddy done sleeping too?". Finally, at 4am I got up and played tractors with him and put in a tractor show. He did, eventually, fall asleep on the couch from 5-6 am. I will NEVER be excited about a 4 hour nap ever again!

Here's some pictures in no particular order and no captions because the Blogger App on my iPad doesn't have the capabilities. Grr...

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Here's some more pictures to go with the previous post. We just got an iPad so I'm still figuring out how to post with it!

Since Michael (our neighbor) and the twins (our cousins) all go to the same daycare as Kade, they all have some time home right now too! So that means play dates!

And I promised pictures of Violet...she's a beauty!!

Left to right:  Michael, Kade, Paige and Carter.  They are all within 6 months of each other in age.  We had 3 moms watching these toddlers and we were tired!  How does Michelle (daycare mom) do it?!?  This is the best picture I could get of the 4 of them together.  2 year olds are busy!!

Michael was the only one willing to stop and say "Cheese!" when I asked. 
Carter and Kade. 
I took this picture with my cell phone, which is one step up from a flip phone.  This is probably my favorite picture of all time of Kade!
Kade giving Violet her first of many kisses.  Kade adores babies!  He's so gentle and he loves looking at them and giving them hugs and kisses.  It amazes me that this little rough and tumble boy can be so sweet with babies!

Beat the Heat

Kade's daycare lady had unexpected surgery last week and now has 6 weeks off to recover.  She's going to be fine, thank goodness!  And we get to use some vacation days off of work to hang with the Kade Man.  Of course, it's been the hottest week of the summer so far so we're always looking for ways to stay entertained and cool at the same time. 

I'm not sure if what we did is okay with the farmer but I let Megan convince me it was.  And since we already had carrots with us...
we pulled over to feed the goats!  There were some alpacas too but they wouldn't come out of the barn.  We told the kids they wouldn't come out because it was their naptime.  But maybe they're smarter than goats and know not to accept food from strangers?

When we ran out of carrots we resorted to pulling grass. 

Afterwards we went to a sprinkler park.  Kade wasn't a huge fan but he had fun watching from the sidelines.

Ellie, on the other hand, ran around until she basically passed out!

Even Baby Rylie got in on the action!