Thursday, June 21, 2012


Summer is here!  Which means town festivals!  Which means parades!  Which means candy!  Last year Kade was a bit too young to understand the magnitude of having free candy thrown at you.  This year, he fully grasps the concept.  Luckily he's got good (and quick) friends around him who share their candy because he's still kinda small to run out in the road and run back before the other kids grab it.

In the past week we've been to 2 parades and the highlights have been (of course) the tractors, followed by the fire trucks, the bands and lastly--and definitely least if you ask me! :-)--horses.  I wish I could describe the pure joy and excitement in his face when he saw so many tractors and fire trucks going down the road at the same time.  We failed as parents not catching it on video.  It was sensory overload at it's finest.

Here's a few pictures from both days.  Of course I couldn't get any good ones of his face because he never sat still for longer than a second!

Parade One:

Beads and a root beer flavored sucker...he wasn't a fan of either.

He decided a purple beaded necklace best belonged around Grandma's neck.

You can bet that the words he was screaming in this picture were, "OHHHH, DADDY WOOK!  BIG TRUCK!!"
Parade Two:

4 of the 8 kids in our group.  Of course, Kade and Ellie are by each other :-)

A couple of cool cats.

"Patiently" waiting their turn.

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