Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Living Room Carpet

I let people walk all over me. I let dogs lay on me, I don't even mind if a glass or two gets dumped on me. You see, I'm the living room carpet and it's my job to do those things. However, I draw the line at being used as a toilet!

My people have a little grandson named Kade. I love it when that little guy comes over, at least I thought I did. I usually become a field of corn that needs plowing, or a race track, or my personal favorite, a dance floor!

Last Sunday was a different story. Kade came over and brought with him that little thing they call a dog, Molly. Right away Kade needed his diaper changed so I became a changing table and what do you know, he started peeing on me! Luckily his mom took the worst of it. But a few hours later Molly puked on me! Ugh, dog puke. How embarrassing.

I thought that was the last of it but nooooo. After Kade's bath he was running around, letting it "air out" as the people called it. That's when the little guy let loose the waterfalls of Niagara! To make matters worse he just stood there, looking over his little toddler pot belly, watching it flow! Afterwards, they mentioned something about it being good for awhile so they could let it "air out" a little longer. Big mistake!

Just as his mom was going to diaper the kid she noticed he was peeing AGAIN. Can you see where this is heading? Yes, he was peeing but it was just a precursor to the poop! Yup, I was pooped on. If I had a head, I'd be hanging it in shame right now.

For those of you keeping count that's FIVE....yes, FIVE times I was forced to be a toilet. 3 pees, a poop and a dog puke. The carpet in the office is never going to let me live this down. Thank goodness for stain master!

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