Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Summer time fun

Everyone enjoys a nice warm summer day. Today Kade helped fill his pool with water. He was in and out of it most of the afternoon and evening to keep cool in between shooting hoops, swinging the bat, playing tractors, sweeping, scooping with his new shovel, riding bike, riding motorcycle, and you got it...anything else that didn't involve sitting! I even hear Mom was sitting in a lawn chair trying to relax for a few minutes and Kade walked over and said "Mommy up. No sit. Play". So much for mommmy's break!

A Couple Video Posts This Week

Before Kade I never understood how kids could be so tired that they could fall asleep while eating.  Now I know better.  He seems to do his best eating in this state, he takes his time and eats anything we put in front of him without complaint!  Not that he complains too much anyway because unless he's not very hungry, the kid is willing to try anything!  He makes his Daddy (aka The Garbage Disposal) proud.

Because it's always entertainment to watch a face fall into a plate of food...

P.S.  Welcome to the world, Violet Mae!!  Kade has another cousin today (courtesy of Erik's sister, Jenna and her husband, Jay)!!  No pictures yet, but will be sure to post one when we do.
Sometimes it's just plain fun to take advantage of a Daddy with long legs!  Kade is about 3 feet tall, give or take an inch, just to put it in perspective!

Thursday, June 21, 2012


Summer is here!  Which means town festivals!  Which means parades!  Which means candy!  Last year Kade was a bit too young to understand the magnitude of having free candy thrown at you.  This year, he fully grasps the concept.  Luckily he's got good (and quick) friends around him who share their candy because he's still kinda small to run out in the road and run back before the other kids grab it.

In the past week we've been to 2 parades and the highlights have been (of course) the tractors, followed by the fire trucks, the bands and lastly--and definitely least if you ask me! :-)--horses.  I wish I could describe the pure joy and excitement in his face when he saw so many tractors and fire trucks going down the road at the same time.  We failed as parents not catching it on video.  It was sensory overload at it's finest.

Here's a few pictures from both days.  Of course I couldn't get any good ones of his face because he never sat still for longer than a second!

Parade One:

Beads and a root beer flavored sucker...he wasn't a fan of either.

He decided a purple beaded necklace best belonged around Grandma's neck.

You can bet that the words he was screaming in this picture were, "OHHHH, DADDY WOOK!  BIG TRUCK!!"
Parade Two:

4 of the 8 kids in our group.  Of course, Kade and Ellie are by each other :-)

A couple of cool cats.

"Patiently" waiting their turn.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

I've got adoption on the brain today because I've been working on getting all of the paperwork and profile material done in order to get back on the Catholic Charities adoption list.  It's time to make Kade a big brother!

Anyway, I thought of this story that I completely forgot to share!  A couple of weeks ago Kade and I were driving home from daycare and he was basically saying all the words that he knows.  There was really no rhyme or reason to what he was saying and I wasn't responding to him, just listening.  He started talking about Lady A and her mom when out of nowhere he said, "Lady A Kade's birthmommy".  I wasn't sure I heard him right so I asked him who Lady A was and he said "Kade's birthmommy".  I was shocked, he's never said anything like that before!  I mean, I tell him regularly that, "Lady A is your birthmom.  You were born in her belly and she chose me and Daddy to be your parents.  And we all love you very, very much."  I just never thought he was actually listening to me!!  When Erik got home I asked him to ask Kade who Lady A was and again Kade responded, "Kade's birthmommy".  It brought tears to my eyes...proud tears because he is only 1 but he seems to know so much already, he amazes me!

These pictures have nothing to do with the post, just a bunch of pics of the little cutie.

We're working on cementing our driveway.  Kade loves all things "machinery" so much that he actually pulled up a chair, with a drink in hand, to watch the skid loader at work!

There's a small lake near our house, so once in awhile we go for a walk there and throw rocks in the "big bath", as Kade calls it.  It's my job to pick up the rocks and it's Kade's job to throw them in.

He's got no fear of the water!  I think he would've tried to walk out to the kayakers if we would've let him.

Pretty much everyday, multiple times a day, Kade and Erik take a lawn mower ride.  One evening I came outside to find this!  My very efficient husband and son killing 3 birds with 1 stone:  a lawn mower/wagon/4 wheeler ride!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Living Room Carpet

I let people walk all over me. I let dogs lay on me, I don't even mind if a glass or two gets dumped on me. You see, I'm the living room carpet and it's my job to do those things. However, I draw the line at being used as a toilet!

My people have a little grandson named Kade. I love it when that little guy comes over, at least I thought I did. I usually become a field of corn that needs plowing, or a race track, or my personal favorite, a dance floor!

Last Sunday was a different story. Kade came over and brought with him that little thing they call a dog, Molly. Right away Kade needed his diaper changed so I became a changing table and what do you know, he started peeing on me! Luckily his mom took the worst of it. But a few hours later Molly puked on me! Ugh, dog puke. How embarrassing.

I thought that was the last of it but nooooo. After Kade's bath he was running around, letting it "air out" as the people called it. That's when the little guy let loose the waterfalls of Niagara! To make matters worse he just stood there, looking over his little toddler pot belly, watching it flow! Afterwards, they mentioned something about it being good for awhile so they could let it "air out" a little longer. Big mistake!

Just as his mom was going to diaper the kid she noticed he was peeing AGAIN. Can you see where this is heading? Yes, he was peeing but it was just a precursor to the poop! Yup, I was pooped on. If I had a head, I'd be hanging it in shame right now.

For those of you keeping count that's FIVE....yes, FIVE times I was forced to be a toilet. 3 pees, a poop and a dog puke. The carpet in the office is never going to let me live this down. Thank goodness for stain master!