Thursday, November 17, 2011

15 Month Stats

Kade had his 15 month appointment yesterday.  He's healthy and growing like a weed!  Someone told me that if you want to know how tall your kid is going to be as an adult, you take the height they are at 2 years old and double it.  By the measurements taken yesterday (and if that old wives tale is true), he's well on his way to being over 6 feet!

The stats:
33 inches tall (2'9") 93%
26.9 pounds   80%

We got out Kade's old gym for a friend.  He lived under that thing for most of his little baby months!  He thought he should try it out again.

Unfortunately, "Godzilla" kept collapsing it because he's way too big for it now. 

And, because I can't resist comparison pictures taken last year at this time :-)

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