Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Slam Dunk!

While Erik and Kade were playing in Kade's room, Erik discovered that Kade thinks the words, "slam dunk", are hilarious.  This is a video of our little trainer training us to say "slam dunk", then when we do he laughs at us.  He's a tough coach! 
Around 2:10 we go through just a few of the words and farm animal noises that he knows.  This past week he's really started to copy EVERYTHING we say.  It's pretty cute and hilarious but also a bit of an eye opener as to what we need to stop saying around the Kade Man :-)

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh Kristi! He is just too cute for words! Seriously! Such a happy and smart little boy! It is amazing how big of sponges these kids are becoming at this age. I too need to start sensoring my vocabularly just a bit. ;)
