Thursday, October 20, 2011

Fall Fun

Kade's love of tractors has shifted into over drive now that it's harvesting season.  He seems to be a bit more thirsty than usual because of the extra tractor noises he's making, which means he's making more drool.  Gotta keep him hydrated, we can't have that tractor running out of fuel! 

I would like to take a moment to "thank" all of the people who have bought him tractor books.  Yesterday, I spent a total of 85 minutes-straight-reading (and re-reading) every single tractor book in the house.  As much as I hated to turn down a book, I finally had to put an end to it and just put in a tractor video!
Kade can open doors now, so he regularly goes to the closet I keep the vacuum in.  Then he'll come get me, point to the vacuum and do the "more" sign.  He's a boy after my own heart!  After tractors, his next favorite toy is this vacuum.
Since we live so close to Chester Woods park, we took advantage of a nice fall day and went for a quick walk.  Molly even got to come!

Getting ready to take his first solo trip down a slide. 

He wasn't too sure about it at first, but it only took one trip down and he was ready for more!

Gotta love the self portrait shots!  Too bad my hat covered up the only thing that makes this picture cute :-)

Hey Dad!  Let's run over the side of this cliff and jump in the water.  Sound like a good plan?

I hear what you are saying about reasons for not jumping over a cliff, but I'm not sure I agree...

Darn!  You caught me before I could make it to the edge!

Pouting because Dad kept foiling his cliff diving plans.

Luckily he was easily diverted by a big pile of leaves.

Tractor on the floor.  Tractor in his hands.  Tractor on the t.v.  Life is good.

Trying to convince Kade to put his hands in a full pumpkin for the first time.
Good news, he was not grossed out so there's still hope for him becoming a surgeon :-)

Slight problem, every time Erin would take a scoop of guts out, Kade would take the spoon from her and put the guts back in.  We'll work on it for next year...

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