Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Vacation #1

These are in no particular order because I’m having trouble with the website!
In June we went to the Hayward area for our vacation with Erik’s family.  Although it wasn’t super warm out, we still managed to spend lots of time relaxing on the water, sitting by fires, eating delicious food, and playing lots of games.  It was a great week!

Mason and Isaac sawing a log at the Lumberjack show 

View of the dock from the cabin

The old ladies (me and grandma) beat The Bigs!!!  And man were they talking A LOT of trash.  It’s a core memory for all of us šŸ˜‚

Mason’s location for most of the vacation 

Above the garage was a game room.  It came in handy when it rained!

Certified lumberjacks

Mason got chosen to come on stage and yell his best, loudest and longest “YO HO!!!”

Violet celebrated her birthday at the cabin


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