Sunday, May 12, 2024

Mother's Day

As I write this post on Mother's Day, I think about my boys' birth mamas.  They're the reason I even have this blog!  They chose me (and Erik) to raise their babies and I hope they are at peace with their decision.  These 2 baby boys are my everything and I'm grateful every day I get to be the one they call mom.
We talk about their birth moms often, their reasoning for making the decision they did, the fact that God put us all together.  
We know Kade's birth mom well and although we don't know Mason's, we cherish her just as much.  We explain that everyone deals with things in their life differently but that doesn't mean he's less loved.  Because, man, do we love these 2 not-so-little gentlemen!!

Picture  catch up.

This spring Kade tried out for a travel baseball team.  
It was a AAA team that played a couple tournaments in Iowa in April.
He did great!  They didn't do so hot but he loved the experience and that's all that matters! 

First time playing on an all turf field.
No dust!!  It was amazing.

Mason had ZERO desire to watch baseball so he stayed home with G&G and did what he does best with his cousin Isaac....

I still can't resist taking a picture of this sleeping beauty.😆


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