Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Easter and Spring Break

The cousins on Erik's side

The middles

The hunt is on!
Kade and Violet hid the eggs for the younger kids, Kade took his job especially seriously for his brother.  Mason didn't find 4 of his eggs.  However, for about 2 weeks afterwards, Grandma would send us random texts saying, "found another egg!".  Luckily it was just candy and a couple of them had holes chewed through, so some critters had themselves a good Easter!

Kade helping Owen

Kade holding Brooks super high for his airplanes!

Kade and Grandpa went crow hunting down at Grandpa's woods.  They hit a certain spot on the road and Kade takes over driving.  He's a good driver but I'm not sure I was ready to see this!

Grandma and I stayed behind and tended the fire while they hunted.  Mason and Erik were on the of course!

My brother is building a house and the boys have taken a few trips to go "dumpster diving" for scrap wood.  Well, Mason though he hit the jackpot with these headphones and he wanted his picture taken.  I threw them away when he wasn't looking 😆

An afternoon of bowling!
Kade and Isaac are SUPER competitive so they were trash talking the whole time.  Luckily they both won 1 game each and were both happy with that.

Mason, on the other hand, is just there for the party.  He couldn't resist dancing in those sweet shoes.


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