Sunday, October 15, 2023

End of Summer Fun and Back to School

Kade's tournament team got recognized before a Twins game in August.  Along with a bunch of other little league tournament champs, they got to walk around the field and be on the big screen!  It was a fun game that ended with a Twins Win!

Kade farted on the way up.  Poor Porter took the brunt of it.

Always gotta get the Kirby picture!

and a picture in the burning hot glove

Kade is on the far right of the screen, with Tyson on his back

Mason and his buddy Rowan at the very top of the stadium!
Thank goodness for the cage 😆

Of course the popcorn bucket ended up on his head.

I'm sensing a theme with Mason...

While Kade was in school, we headed down to the campground to visit grandparents and friends

That's a lot of bright colors and questionable shoe choices

KadeO's first day of 7th grade!!

Nolan, Porter, Kade

Nolan, Porter, Charlie, Kade

We also went to a St Paul Saints game with a couple other families.
That was so fun!  So close to the action, the boys got balls and autographs and Kade even had a player give him his batting gloves after the game!

Can't do a summer post without a fish picture

Mason went up to his buddy Gunnar's cabin to bait bear and fish....
aaaaaand catch snakes.

Back to school for Mason!
First day of 4th grade.


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