Wednesday, April 19, 2023

These pictures pretty much sum up our last week and a half!

We thought this was the last snowstorm of the year.  So we went out with a bang.  After putting the snowmobiles and snow tubes away, we got them out again for a day and had friends over to play!

Kade and Isaac

Mason and Gunnar

Even got a little basketball in.

Then it warmed up enough for Kade and Grandpa to take a walk in the woods.  Mason missed that trip because he was sick.  However, spring break was just a few days away and Mason was well enough to join that trip.

A great picture of the boys!  
Until you notice Mason's zipper is down and Kade's chaps are WAY too short 😆

Then it got so warm for Easter, they did their hunt outside and Mason was comfortable in shorts and a t-shirt.  
Who am I kidding though, that kid is comfortable outside in just his underwear when it's 10 degrees outside.

I completely failed at Easter this year.  I forgot to take my annual picture of the boys with their baskets.  I'm so sad.  I gotta remember to just make them pose anyway one of these days.
This year Kade decided he wanted to be the one in charge of the scavenger hunt.  So he put together clues and hid the eggs for Mason.  However, I did still hide a basket for him!  He's getting older way too fast for this mama.

And then it got SO warm that, of course, Mase had to hit the open waters!!  Unfortunately he didn't catch anything but that kid is a different person when he's got a pole and worms in his hand.  

I love watching Mason fish.

And, now we're back to winter.  The boys even had a 2 hour late start due to a snowstorm.  I knew I shouldn't have put all the snow gear away. 😒
Fingers crossed May weather treats us better.


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