Thursday, April 6, 2023

 These past few weeks have been a DOOZY!!  To say I am sick of this season is an understatement.  It started a few weeks ago when I got super sick for 3 straight days, I couldn't even get out of bed unless it was to run to the bathroom.  A couple days later, Kade caught it.  Unfortunately he was in school when it hit so he had to throw up in the school bathroom.  Well, that triggered some anxiety for him, which we didn't realize for a couple days.  So every morning, when we thought he was well enough to go to school he'd have a panic attack at the thought of puking in school again.  He'd get so worked up, he'd end up throwing up at home.  We finally realized it after he missed an entire week of school, and a basketball tournament.  He had been fine all weekend, then Monday morning he was throwing up again.  After talking with Grandma and getting some breathing techniques as well as short trips (15 minute increments) into the school, he was finally able to go back.  He ended up missing 8 days but his teachers were very understanding and he caught up in no time.  

Just when we thought Erik and Mason were in the clear, Mason caught it.  Unfortunately he did not make it into the bathroom so now we're dealing with an overwhelming smell in his bedroom.  Because of that, he's been sleeping on the floor in our room.  Kade has also been on the floor in our room, to keep all the sickness contained.  Which means Erik has taken over Kade's room in the basement. 

To top it all off, Kade ended up catching the bug AGAIN two days ago!!!  Thankfully, since he's already fought it off once, he recovered quickly.  Just when I think it's safe to put the puke bucket away, it comes right back out again.

Fingers crossed Erik stays in the clear!!!

In healthier times, Kade's tournament team ended up taking first place out of 16 teams in a 2 day tournament!!  They only had 7 boys, but those 7 are the energizer bunnies--they never stop!  

Kade kicked butt and really showed what he can do when he gets competitive.  The championship game they ended up playing the team that beat them the day before.  It was a competitive team that talked a lot of trashy and they got in his head the day before.  He came back ready for revenge!  They ended winning 42-33 and Kade had 25 of the points.  Unfortunately it was unknowingly his last tournament of the season, since he was sick for the last one.  Thank goodness he went out with a bang!!

In other news, he was measured at the doctor and he's now 5'10"!!

Mason on the bench helping coach

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