Thursday, December 15, 2022

Kade had his first basketball tournament of the season on 12/4.  They ended up getting 2nd place, losing 1st place by only 3 points.  It was a great game in which the boys worked hard and learned some lessons.  They've been used to beating opponents by 20+ points every game so it was good to see them work!  Oh and Kade fouled out of his very first game ever!  Erik tells him all the time "the tall guy gets the most fouls called on him" and Kade learned that first hand that game.

Sad faces all around after a tough loss

Kade was not thrilled with me taking this picture 😆

It was tough to get them to smile for these pictures.

Mason and Harper, on the other hand, didn't see one minute of the games 😂

Annual tree decorating pictures.
I can't get him to smile for me anymore.

Of course Mason was in his underwear.  Keepin' it classy!

I even got ol' Scrooge to hang some lights for me!  He always says he's not going to.  However, once I start decorating I think he feels guilty.

Kinda hard to see the game, Mase!

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