Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Mason's 8th Birthday!

We celebrated Mason's birthday on Sunday.  His actual birthday is tomorrow but the middle of the week is not a great time for a party.
He chose sledding, so back to the sledding hills we went!  The kids had a great time and definitely utilized every minute of the 2 hour time slot!

This kid brings us joy and laughter every day.  He's the life of the party, witty, charming, hilarious and makes friends wherever he goes.  He can hold a conversation with adults and keeps kids entertained with his craziness.
Don't get me wrong, he definitely drives us nuts too!  He was recently diagnosed with ADHD (no surprise there!) and his hyperactivity can get exhausting.  However, he's really starting to learn the tools to deal with it and calm himself down.  I'm so proud of him and the little man he's becoming.


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