Thursday, February 17, 2022

Kade's team has been kicking butt in basketball this year!  They're currently 21-0.  Undefeated in their regular season and 1st place champs in 3 out of 3 tournaments so far.  They're a fun team to watch!!

I told them to smile and this is what they did...

...then I threatened bodily harm and got this.
Better than nothing!!

Their first 1st place...

Their second 1st place...

I didn't get a picture of their third 1st place.
However, their team name is "Stallions" and we figured that print in the background was fitting for a picture.

Mason's favorite parts of Kade's tournaments:
In no particular order,
~finding people to play him in hangman
~going behind/underneath bleachers looking for "treasures"


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