Sunday, November 7, 2021


This year, for MEA, the boys went up north to Lake Winnibigoshish area with Erik and Grandpa C.  Grandpa has been going up to this area in the fall for 50+ years.  He started going when he was a kid, he took my brother and his friends up for quite a few years and now it was his grandsons turn.  The boys can't wait to go back next year, Erik loved it too!  My mom and I wanted to go as well, but with their camper in the shop getting worked on, it just wasn't feasible for us to join this year.

Kade and grandpa hunted grouse and pheasants, Erik and Mason fished for walleye, pike and perch.  I stayed home with the pups, knocked 1000 things off my list and got a little shopping in with my mom.  AND I had a clean house for FOUR DAYS IN A ROW!!!  It was heaven.

Erik did a good job taking pictures.  He was fishing with Mason most of the time so there aren't a lot of pictures of Kade.  Even though it was past peak fall colors, it still looked beautiful up there!

I had a very serious conversation with Mason before he left.  The weather is unpredictable that far north this time of year.  It could be warm.  It could be snowing.  Either way, he NEEDED to be aware he had limited amount of clothing so he was not allowed to fall in the lake or roll around in the mud--both things that Mason does on the regular--and he was NOT allowed to change his clothes multiple times a day.  Again, as usual per Mason.  
In the summer, it's usually ok since I just throw swim trunks on him and call it good (and let's be honest, sometimes I tell him to just go in his underwear and he's A-OK with it).  But in unpredictable cold weather, it's not so easy.
Imagine my surprise (I was not surprised) when Erik sent me this picture literally 10 minutes after they arrived.
Yep, Mason was drenched.  Yep, he was in his second outfit already.
Yep, he didn't care.

Fishing in winter coat and stocking hat, a first for Mase!

He caught a couple crawdads!

I'm pretty sure this is the one and only time Kade fished.
He doesn't do well on a boat, I think he feels trapped.  So it's usually pretty rare to see a smile on his face when he's on the boat.

Mason kicked back, relaxed, living his best life!
Erik assured me that was hot chocolate in Mason's drink.  


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